Friday, July 12, 2013

Lego G1 Razorclaw

This is my lego Razorclaw. For those of you that don't know, he is the predacon leader in G1. He transforms into a lion and he has a sword and a gun he has pretty good articulation but his shoulder joints are weak and often fall off. The sword does not match the original one but it was either right color and wrong shape, or right shape and wrong color. I thought that he should have the right color so it took this sword off the side of a lego ninjago bike and gave it to him.
This is his robot mode. He has the lion head on his chest. He has skinny arms but big legs and had small shoulder guns. 
Here is a close up of his sword.
This is his lion mode the little yellow pieces on the front are his front paws and  the big yellow pieces on the back are his back paws the orange piece behind the head is his mane. 

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