Saturday, June 16, 2012

WTFR3 Minicon combiner: Recon Minicon team Venture

 This is my Minicon Combiner named Venture.
He is made up of my self made recon team. The minicons are Tankor(PCC Pinpoint), Backtrack(Pan- handler), Depthcharge(Deep Dive) and Sandstorm( Guy that makes the left arm).
 Tankor: head.
 Depthcharge: legs.
 Backtrack: right arm.
 Sandstorm: left arm.
 Vehicle modes.
Robot modes.
 Lots of Minicons can work as arms. I tried all of my Minicons that I could find, and these are the ones that will work. Sometimes you have to adjust parts like tank turrets or hooks.
These will not work.
 Regular arms.
Destroyer arms( Buzzsaw and Drillbit).

I made up the tank mode for pinpoint since he didn't have a vehicle mode. That's why he's named Tankor.

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