Sunday, October 7, 2012

WTFR5 Botcon 2012 Boxed set part 1: SG Ultra Magnus, Tracks, and Soundwave.

           Ultra Magnus's vehicle is an semi truck. It is blue and red, and has small flames on the hood. Since he is SG Ultra Magnus, his Autobot Symbol is purple.
           In robot mode, he has a sword. His shoulders are big and bulky, but he has pretty good articulation, except in his wrists. He has the same body as Reveal the Shield Optimus.
           Tracks' vehicle mode is a car. It has flames on the hood, and purple exhaust pipes on the side.
Again, he's SG, so he has a purple Autobot symbol.
           In robot mode, he has a handgun and two shoulder guns. He doesn't have very good articulation except in his elbows. He has the same body as Reveal the shield Tracks.
           Soundwave's vehicle mode is an S.U.V. It has some king of logo on the side and green lights. His license plate says SND WVE.

          In robot mode, he has a weapon that can either be a gun or a sword. He is bulky, but overall has pretty good articulation. He uses the same body as some Ironhide toy.